Blackhawk Technical College
6004 S County Road G, Janesville WI
(Conference Programs)
AmericInn by Wyndham Janesville
3900 Milton Ave, Janesville, WI
(Friday Dinner & Annual Meeting)
(The two venues are approx. 17 min. drive apart)
Pre-Conference Training: Emergency Services Instructor II
Friday Afternoon Workshop
Friday Dinner and WSESI Annual Meeting
Instructor Development: THREE Saturday tracks
Sunday Morning Panel Workshop
Monday, February 12 through Friday, February 16 – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Noon on Fri.)
Emergency Services INSTRUCTOR (ESI) II
This certification level of Emergency Services Instructor goes beyond the lesson plan and into the design of complete curriculum features for the instructor’s intended audience. The ESI II certification exam will be scheduled on Thursday evening to permit candidates to attend the Track B classroom session Friday.
All participants must hold a current ESI I certification to attend.
Class FULL -- Pre-course assignments have been issued.
Course fee of $250.00 will include Jones & Bartlett text:
Fire & Emergency Services Instructor, 3rd Edition
*Those students who provide their own copy of the required text may email for a discounted fee.
Friday WORKSHOPS – Open to all attendees
Check-in beginning at 12:00 Noon – Classroom Session 1:00 to 4:30 PM at BTC
RED VAN ERT, Altoona Fire Rescue
For many recent years, the volunteer (including paid-on-call, paid-on premise, and combination) emergency services have faced major challenges in attracting and keeping new members. In the most recent years, these challenges have spread to the career workforce as well.
This interactive discussion will explore the best practices for recruitment and retention in the fire and associated emergency services.
BRIDGING THE GENERATIONAL GAP: Successfully Teaching and Onboarding Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Y
MARC HILL, Wausau Fire Dept. (ret.)
Participants in this comprehensive course will get insightful knowledge and practical tactics for effectively teaching and onboarding the next generation. This course provides educators and trainers with the tools they need to develop engaging and meaningful learning experiences for younger learners, with an emphasis on understanding millennial, Gen Z, and Gen Y traits, learning preferences, and motivations. Participants will get a better knowledge of younger learners and practical methods to help them succeed via engaging conversations and case studies.
AmericInn Janesville
5:30-7:00 PM
Included with Conference fee!
WSESI 63rd
7:00 PM
SATURDAY / SUNDAY PROGRAMS -- All Presentations at BTC
Featuring ‘WORKING LUNCH’:
Open to all attendees!
Saturday, Feb. 17—12-1 pm
from Draeger Fire Training Systems
In addition to hosting lunch, Matt will be giving a presentation (approx. 20 minutes) introducing all attendees to Draeger and its Fire Training Systems, outlining how they work with you to meet your training needs.
ROB BALSAMO, Program Coordinator, Blackhawk Technical College
This discussion-based class will focus on the aspects of refurbishing and or building a new training center. The discussion will focus on what the training needs of your department or college, facility capabilities needs, resources (land available, funding, ext.), Project development (Types of burn buildings, water sources, training areas and other buildings such as storage and simulation buildings) ongoing costs, and maintenance. The last topic for discussion will be future growth of your facility. The class will also take a tour of Blackhawk’s new training center and discuss what went into it and why. We will also discuss issues that have come developed as the facility has come online. Please dress appropriately as we will be outside for a couple hours for the tour.
Saturday Track B -- NFPA 1403: Building the Instructor Cadre
Jim Knowles & Andy Aird,
Fond du Lac FR
Examines the requirements of NFPA 1403 – Standard on Live Fire Training providing successful concepts that prepare an instructor group for safe and productive live fire training. Students will examine minimum staffing, certification requirements, and key participant roles. Best practices before, during, and after live fire training will be analyzed. The course concludes with strategies for holding a press conference, managing wayward students, and post training debriefings.
Special Guest Presenter: APRIL HAMMOND,
Section Chief- Fire Prevention/Health & Safety and POWTS,
Wisconsin Department of Safety & Professional Services (DSPS)
Saturday Track C -- Three Instructional Workshops
How to Maximize Your
Training Hours
City of Oshkosh FD
This class will focus on the development and organization of an annual training plan with ISO in mind. Creative strategies to maximize quality training hours will be presented. We are not looking to just “fill the bucket” with hours but rather provide flexibility for members attain valuable training which may be difficult through traditional methods only. Each area identified in the ISO training considerations will be examined individually. Students will be provided with several options to consider in training content, delivery methods and resources to assist with development and distribution of quality training in each area. We will also discuss the progression of training as it relates to integration into the overall training plan strategy as well as documentation organization and policies for tracking progress and creating reports.
Guide for Structural Fire Fighting
MARC HILL, Wausau Fire Dept. (ret.)
This training aims to provide firefighters, trainers, and fire chiefs with a thorough grasp of the updates for NFPA 1700: Guide for Structural Fire Fighting. This presentation will cover the essential features of NFPA 1700, its benefits and relevance, as well as practical strategies for incorporating and applying NFPA 1700 in training programs. Participants will leave this event with the information and tools they need to achieve overall operational excellence in their fire departments by increasing training efficacy, ensuring compliance, and improving overall operational excellence.
LESSON PLANS 101: The Key Component
David Yakowenko, Racine FD / Blackhawk Technical College
So – you’ve got the textbook, the instructor resource kit, the implementation guide, and the exam prep – what are you still missing?
The lesson plan is the key component around which all other course content is gathered to create a coherent and systematic learning experience for your students.
This workshop will focus on the importance of the lesson plan as your roadmap to “delivering the goods” in each class session to reach your course goals.
What are the issues facing your training programs? Are you stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place? Want to know if anyone else found a solution to your predicament?
Our panel of 2024 Conference Presenters will lead this interactive roundtable to address YOUR training concerns. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18 – 8:30 to 11:00 AM
Track D: National Fire Academy (NFA) Course:
Health and Safety Program Manager (HSPM) F0722
Pre-Conference (Mon.-Fri.) -- Emergency Services Instructor II: $250.00* Class FULL
CONFERENCE FEES include programs and Friday Dinner buffet
$10.00 Early-Bird Discount: Register by January 15, 2024!
*ESI II Fee includes a copy of Jones & Bartlett Fire & Emergency Services Instructor, 3rd Edition, provided at cost. Attendees who already have a copy of this title may email us to obtain a discounted rate.
**PLEASE NOTE – The National Fire Academy does not charge fees for its courses; consequently, this fee is not required for those attending only the NFA class Saturday/Sunday. The fee covers the costs of the Friday workshops and dinner, which complete the content of Track D. We encourage you to take advantage of these additional opportunities!
Lodging (on your own) is available – $98.00 +tax
Contact AmericInn and identify WSESI block –
Book early! –– Phone: 1-608-371-9981